Wall sawing uses a diamond blade on a track-mounted system that can be used for vertical and horizontal cuts. This set-up can also be used on steep inclined surfaces where a slab saw cannot be used safely. Wall sawing is typically specified to cut precise openings for doorways, ventilation units, windows, bulkheads, and loading docks.
Key Benefits:
- Wall sawing causes no vibration or damage to the remaining structure.
- A wall saw can be equipped with a flush cut attachment. This allows us to make cuts flush to perpendicular slabs, walls, ceilings, etc.
- A wall saw can do bevel cutting.
- Hydraulic chainsaws are used for “no overcut” requests on corners.
- Wall saws are lubricated with water to provide for dust free operation.
- Our wall saw trucks are fully self-containing, carrying all tools, equipment, power and water necessary for the job.
Flat sawing is the most commonly used diamond cutting method. It is typically used to cut horizontal flat surfaces such as floors, bridge decks, and pavement. Also called slab saws, flat saws feature a diamond blade that is mounted on a walk-behind machine requiring only one operator. They can cut up to 24″ in depth. Flat saws are typically used to provide expansion joints, remove damaged pavement sections, clean and prepare random cracks for repair, and remove concrete sections for demolition purposes.
Hand sawing refers to the lighter duty use of diamond blades in hand held power saws and chain type saws. Hand sawing provides portability, speed, and accessibility at construction and demolition sites.
Typical applications include sawing concrete pipe to length, creating openings for electrical, plumbing, or other needs in concrete walls, floors, and ceilings. This eliminates overcuts associated with other types of sawing and precision trimming.
Core drilling is performed when precise, circular diameter cuts are needed. Holes up to 48″ in diameter can be drilled to virtually any depth. Core drilling is used for plumbing, electrical, and HVAC installations. Line drilling is an effective method for removing almost any thickness of concrete where other methods cannot be applied. Core holes are drilled in a series of overlapping holes, allowing for one large segment to be removed.
Typical Core Drilling Applications Include:
- Floor drains
- Sewer drains
- Sewer tie-ins
- HVAC openings
- Phone, electrical, cable and fiber optic openings
- Handrail and anchor bolt holes
- Concrete testing samples
Key Benefits:
- Core drilling is the cleanest, most economical way to penetrate a concrete wall, slab or footing with a round hole.
- Core drilling allows contractors flexibility and a solution to potential problems. It is very often more cost effective than sleeving.
- Core drilling (like slab sawing) keeps the structural integrity of surrounding areas intact.
- Core drilling can be done at any depth and through virtually any hard material.
- Very effective in limited spaces.
- Lubricated with water for dust-free operation.

Concrete Cut & Core offers concrete removal off-site, concrete breaking, auguring and trenching.
Roll-off containers are ideal for the removal of:
- Concrete
- Demolition debris
- Brush
- Estate and project clean up
- Metal